Researchers at WCRC launch a fluid flow system for studying cell behaviour

Researchers at WCRC launch a fluid flow system for studying cell behaviour

Researchers at WCRC launch a fluid flow system for studying cell behaviour

The researchers at WCRC have launched the Ibidi perfusion system, a fluid flow system for studying cell behaviour.

The unit allows for optimal cultivation of cells under constant flow for simulation of cell functions in blood vessels and heart valves.

The system replicates more physiological conditions for cell growth and activation of specific signaling pathways that respond to mechanical stress.

The laboratory will use this system to test a number of drugs, presumably with an anti-calcification effect, on cell models, which have already been extensively studied (cells of the aortic valve and vessels).

This system will bring researchers closer to understanding the mechanisms involved in pathological calcification, a condition of the heart and blood vessels that often occurs with age as well as in certain hereditary diseases.


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