Higher education programmes

In accordance with the major research areas of the World-Class Research Centre for Personalized Medicine in the field of biomedical genomic research on the study of unknown, rare and genetically determined diseases, cancer and chronic non-communicable diseases, new educational cycles and modules will be added to the programmes at all higher education levels in the areas of "Biological Sciences" and "Medical Sciences".
According to the strategic plan of the WCRC for Personalized Medicine, the Centre is currently developing a major higher education programme for Master’s degree in Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology specialty) and higher qualification training programme, PhD in Clinical Medicine (Oncology specialty).
The mission of the master’s programme in Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology) is to develop the national scientific school that conducts basic and applied research in the field of cellular and molecular biology through training highly skilled master students who are capable of solving crucial problems faced by the region and conducting basic and applied research in the field of cellular and molecular biology. Active learning includes immersion of students in the research areas of regenerative medicine and laboratory diagnosis of various diseases and is one of the key components of 5P healthcare (predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory, precision) and the tasks of the WCRC for Personalized Medicine.