April 13–14, 2023: XXII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Neurosurgery Conference Polenov's Readings
On April 13-14, Almazov Cenntre hosted the XXII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Neurosurgery Conference Polenov's Readings. The conference was attended by 5 academicians, 8 corresponding members and 7 professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief neurosurgeons from different regions of Russia, as well as leading specialists from Belarus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates, heads of neurosurgery departments of in Tashkent, Bishkek, Ashgabat. A total of 840 participants were registered.
Leading scientists from Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates presented important achievements in various areas of modern neurosurgery and neurology. The scientific programme focused on the topical issues of modern neurooncology, cerebrovascular diseases and functional approaches in the treatment of epilepsy. Plenary sessions and workshops on minimally invasive technologies and reconstructive surgery were held.
The conference featured plenary and breakout sessions, satellite symposia on the following hot topics: neurological injury and its consequences; neuro-oncology; cerebrovascular disease; degenerative spinal diseases; peripheral nervous system diseases; pediatric neurosurgery; epilepsy; functional and reconstructive neurosurgery; neuro-anesthesiology and neuro-resuscitation; neurorehabilitation; neurophysiology; neuroimaging; pathology; genetics.
Special emphasis was put on the fundamental aspects of neuroscience, including the role of genetics and genomic technologies in the development of new approaches for neurosurgical conditions.
The experts discussed the results and prospects of using new technologies in diagnostic radiology for neurosurgical conditions and modern approaches to neurorehabilitation in neurosurgery. There were also presentations on the use of new technologies in pediatric neurosurgery, a personalized approach and development prospects. Special attention was paid to new areas and the use of high-tech methods in anesthesia and resuscitation for neurosurgical conditions, as well as advanced technologies and prospects for the development of surgery for vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
The conference featured two plenary meetings of the boards of the Russian Society of Neurosurgery and the Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery, a meeting of chief regional specialists on organizational aspects of neurosurgery and neurology in healthcare, discussion of new clinical guidelines and professional standards, and a young scientist award.
The event was held as part of the programme of the WCRC for Personalized Medicine and in accordance with the plan of events of the Russian Ministry of Health for 2023.
With its broad representation of specialists from various fields, the event comprehensively explored the neurosurgical and neurological diseases from the standpoint of interdisciplinary interaction, discussed the most topical issues in diagnosis and treatment and outlined future prospects. It allowed to broaden and strengthen interdisciplinary links with an emphasis on an integrated approach to the problems of neurosurgical science and practice.