In-depth clinical examination as a key to understanding the dynamics of metabolic disorders
The Population Genetics Research Laboratory at the WCRC for Personalized Medicine is working to identify markers of adverse dynamics of metabolic health. A protocol for the clinical and instrumental examination of patients has been developed in order to carry out an in-depth analysis of genotype and phenotype correlations. In total, more than 200 patients have been profiled.
The questionnaire included modules on dietary habits, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, health status, sleep, economic and work conditions, stress, anxiety and depression, and quality of life. A systematized dataset was created that allows for the analysis of factors influencing individual trajectories of metabolic health.
By comparing patients with the same initial clinical presentation, combinations of laboratory parameters have been identified that can predict the manifestation of type 2 diabetes several years before clinical diagnosis. Early diagnosis is often crucial for timely management and reduction of potential adverse outcomes.
A more sophisticated algorithm for individual risk assessment is currently being developed by researchers at the Population Genetics Research Laboratory, and its quality will be evaluated using observational data from a large sample of patients with metabolic disorders and a control group.